The archipelago of Galapagos (Tortoise Islands) is located to 972 kilometers to the occident of the continental territory of the Ecuador.
There are 14 main islands and 20 smaller islands. The county Galapagos has 17.000 inhabitants. The total area of the islands is of a little more than 8.000 square kilometers, divided in 3 cantons.
The residents of the islands, have also their own histories and charms, which deserve to be known, so you need to have a personal contact with the people.
The archipelago of Galapagos was declared Natural Patrimony of the Humanity in the year 1978 and it has unique flora and fauna.
The Charles Darwin Station takes care of the name of the homonymous scientist, is sited on the island Santa Cruz.
The Marine Reservation of Galapagos protects the marine species and environments around the islands.
The main islands in size are:
Island Santa Cruz (Indefatigable o Chavez)
Island Isabela (Albemarle)
Island Fernandina (Narborough)
Island San Cristobal (Chatham)
Island Santiago (James)
Island Santa María (Floreana o Charles)
Island Marchena (Binloes)
Island Pinta (Abingdon)
Island Española (Hood)
Island Santa Fé (Barrington)
Island Baltra
Island Genovesa (Douwes o Tower)
Island Pinzón (Duncan)