Project for the provision of water and electricity with solar energy for the Guachal community
Energia Solar
Energia Solar
Corporación para el Desarrollo Sostenible CODESO
Proyectos de agua y electrificación, CODESO
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The Guachal community is located in the mangroves near Limones in the Cayapas Mataje Mangrove Ecological Reserve on the north coast of Ecuador. (see maps)

The Afro-Ecuadorian or black population of Guachal lives mainly from the capture and commercialization of shell and artisanal fishing. The average monthly gross income for a family is less than US$30.

The shell is harvested by the women and children of the community within the mangrove protected area. It is important that the community has its photovoltaic safe water system to have access to clean water. The community previously used an open well, and I had to canoe their drinking water.

The solar system helps preserve the mangrove ecosystem and is compatible with the management of the Cayapas Mataje Mangrove Ecological Reserve.
A refreshing bath - Guachal - EsmeraldasSolar powered water pumping system
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Lorentz solar photovoltaic pumping
Lorentz solar photovoltaic pumping
With the different sensors and controls it is easy to install pumping systems for water for human consumption and for irrigation in agriculture and for animals.
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Equipos para Energía Solar
Bombeo Solar Agua Riego Baterias inverores inverters Wechselrichter Cuenca Riobamba
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Südamerika Trinkwasser Quito Guayaquil Bewässerung Pumpen Pumps Iirrigation Riego bombeo bombas
The solar energy system initially comprises 5 Isofoton I 110 panels with a total of 550 Wp (peak watts) with an average generation of 1925 watt hours per day, 5 MAC stationary accumulators of 12 V (volts) 150 Ah (ampere hours), 1 I 30 A regulator and 1 Triplite APS 900 W inverter (generating 110 V alternating current for the water pump and for light in the houses).

The 17 families now have access to more than 30 liters of water per day and person with the system. The pump is working about 1.6 hours per day.

The community managed with the support of the Illustrious Municipality of Limones to have cable for a minimum electrification of the houses.
The solar system so far does not generate enough energy to provide power for homes, but on sunny days, families can have power for their energy-saving light bulbs and radios.

A water and electricity micro-enterprise was formed, which collects monthly fees from families, guaranteeing the maintenance and gradual increase of the solar system, to achieve long-term sustainability. (see also "sustainability of solar systems")
The system was co-executed by the Guachal community, CODESO and FEDARPROBIM, the Afro-Artisanal Federation of Collectors of Bioaquatic Products of the Manglar E.A. with headquarters in Limones, Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador, Telefax 593-6-789473,
The main financing provided the Project for the Development of the Indigenous and Black Peoples of Ecuador PRODEPINE RCN, Telefax: 593-6-727937, There was also support from the Illustrious Municipality of Limones and CODESO.